Zara Pietzko
1:1 Ayurveda Health Consultation
In this 75 min Session, we will take a close look into your state of wellbeing on every level.
In this initial consultation, you will learn more about your natural state of balance (Prakruti) and your current state of imbalance (Vikruti). My approaches are 100% holistic and you will receive individual and personalized guidance in diet, herbs & lifestyle, aiming at re-creating the natural state of balance and stabilizing harmony within body and mind.
Every human is unique. So is their approach to health and wellbeing. The ayurvedic approach is so special as it addresses the individual, not the mass. This consultation is a wonderful opportunity to meet yourself again and to discover what truly aligns with you and your inner nature.
Recommended to everyone who is curious and seeking holistical healing & living through Ayurveda and/or facing any digestive related issues, hormonal imbalance & infertility, disease processes, mental disharmony, energy loss, sleeping issues etc…
Every Follow-up Consultation (45 Min) is 77 EUR.
3-Week Digestive Reset Program
This program is to the T designed to reset your digestion on every level - speaking physical, mental & emotional. I highly recommend this to every person who feels like pushing the "reset button" and creating more balanced and nourishing wellbeing rituals for themselves.
In these 3 weeks, Agni (digestive fire/digestive capacity) is able to find its strength again so it can digest & assimilate properly again both on a physical and mental level. Ama (undigested waste products = Toxins) are being released through specific foods & meals, combined with lifestyle recommendations and spiritual practices including Meditation & Breath.
It comes with delicious recipes and holistic tools.
The Digestive Reset Program is a wonderful way to enter healing for any digestive related issues, such as discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, irregular bowels, burning sensations/inflammation, IBS, Candida, PMS, irregular or painful menstruation, headaches, migraine, weight loss/weight gain, hormonal imbalances etc...
You can book a 1:1 Consultation within this program for only 80 EUR.
Includes 2 live Sessions via Zoom & WhatsApp Chat during the 3 weeks.
200hrs TTC Trad. Tantra & Ayurveda
This training is a deep exploration of Self and the female body through the lens of
the sister sciences Traditional Tantra & Ayurveda.
It honors and celebrates the divine on every level and in all of her expressions.
Our devotion for all female essences, their role in this life and especially the holistic health and wellbeing made us create this 11-months journey
of heart, wisdom and soul.
This offline & online training brings a perfect balance between the timeless, traditional wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda, and offers you a high-quality foundation to teach as a holistic yoga teacher and advise on the basic principles of Ayurveda.
For further details please head to our website
3 Months Ayurvedic Mentorship
The mentorship program is a portal for in depth learning, healing and accountability.
In these 3 months, we will move through all layers of wellbeing in a deeper sense (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) according to your Prakruti (natural state of balance) and Vikruti (current state of imbalance).
Receive a great understanding through the lens of Ayurveda of how your body and mind works for you as an individual and how Ayurveda supports you to find more ease, joy & harmony along the way.
This is a wonderful program for everyone who is committed to dive deeper into their own holistic wellbeing journey and seeks support and accountability.
I recommend this to everyone with "chronic" diagnoses, autoimmune disorders, re-curring or ongoing issues/symptoms, overwhelmed minds or simply everyone who loves to go a little deeper.
6 x 1:1 Consultations (preferably 2x /month)
Personalized manual(s)
Guided & recorded holistic practices (Breath, Meditation, occ. Movement Practices)
3 months ongoing Email Support
1 hour Whatsapp Support / week